Shades, 2014 - 2018
Diptych: drawing/lithography; powder on paper, plexiglass
2 x (100 X 71 cm)
unique prints
Shades is a series of medium-sized lithographs which I often place side by side to explore the minor nuances of the image. The process of drawing and printing is demanding and time consuming. Printing with a transparent ink and adding the powder at the end means I am unable to fully control the process and the quality of the image, as the drawing is kept invisible during much of the print process until the moment when the powder is spread over the surface of the paper, allowing the image to reappear once again.
Each image is different, even when the same tone of dust is used. This is a common strategy: I repeat to produce difference. But a no less important aspect of Shades is its unfixed quality and the fact that this goes unnoticed, because it is instead being presented as fixed and stable.